# This file contains the error and alert messages used by Phorm. They have been # consolidated here to allow for easier translation and/or customization. This # setup eliminates the need for the Custom Message plugin. # Each line consists of a message number: E for error messages and A for alert # messages (pretty clever, huh?) followed by three digits. After the message # number is a space, followed by the message itself. The %%% sequence in the # message text will be replaced with the three-digit error or alert number. # Variable substitution is performed as described in the Phorm documentation. E000 %%% - Catastrophic error: Unable to read Phorm function library {{ph_root}}/lib/functions.php3. E001 %%% - Catastrophic error: Wrong function library version ({{ph_LibVersion}}). E002 %%% - Catastrophic error: Unable to read Phorm MIME types library. E003 %%% - I'm sorry, Phorm requires at least PHP version {{ph_PHPMinVers}}. E009 %%% - Fatal PHP configuration error. Unable to continue processing. E010 %%% - Unable to open Phorm Base file {{ph_phormbase}} E020 %%% - Unable to open main Phorm configuration file. E030 %%% - Invalid directory {{ph_basedir}} in {{ph_phormbase}}. E040 %%% - I'm sorry, this page only processes the contents of a form. You cannot access it directly. E050 %%% - Unable to open configuration file {{ph_cwd}}/{{PHORM_CONFIG}}. E060 %%% - Invalid directory {{PHORM_BASE}} in $PHORM_BASE in {{ph_cwd}}/{{PHORM_CONFIG}} E070 %%% - Unable to open acknowledgement template file {{PHORM_ACK}}. E080 %%% - Invalid access. This Phorm installation cannot be accessed from [{{HTTP_REFERER}}]. E090 %%% - There has been an error, and your information has not been sent. A000 %%% - Unable to load plugin file {{ph_plfile}} at stage {{ph_stage}}. A001 %%% - Unable to open validation error file {{ph_tpd}}/{{ph_ErrFile}}. A002 %%% - Unable to open autoresponder template file {{ph_tpd}}/{{PHORM_RESPOND}}. A003 %%% - Unable to open autoresponder attachment file {{ph_atd}}/{{PHORM_RESATCH}}. A004 %%% - Unable to open the text log file {{ph_tpd}}/{{lPHORM_LOG}}. A005 %%% - Unable to open mail template file {{lPHORM_TMPL}}. A006 %%% - Unable to open file attachment module. User email attachment{{ph_s}} not sent. A007 %%% - Unable to open Database variables file {{ph_tpd}}/{{PHORM_MYDBV}}. A008 %%% - Unable to open validation rules file {{ph_tpd}}/{{PHORM_VALDEFS}}. A009 %%% - File upload is disabled in your PHP configuration, and your form was sent with the ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data attribute. Phorm cannot read your form contents. A010 %%% - Unable to open file attachment module. Responder attachment not sent. A011 %%% - Unable to open file upload module. Uploaded file(s) not saved. A020 %%% - Invalid construction in {{ph_phormbase}}. A030 %%% - Unable to connect to host {{DHost}}. A031 %%% - Unable to select database {{DBase}}. A040 %%% - Error on query:
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} {{ph_LOGQString}}
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} MySQL says: {{ph_LOGMyErr}} A050 %%% - REGEX criterion requires one argument. A051 %%% - CCARD criterion requires one argument. A052 %%% - RANGE criterion requires two arguments. A053 %%% - ONEOF criterion requires at least one argument. A054 %%% - GT criterion requires an argument. A055 %%% - LT criterion requires an argument. A056 %%% - EQ criterion requires an argument. A057 %%% - GE criterion requires an argument. A058 %%% - LE criterion requires an argument. A059 %%% - NE criterion requires an argument. A060 %%% - UNIQUE criterion requires two arguments. A061 %%% - UNIQUE criterion requires a database to be open. A062 %%% - Error on query:
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} {{ph_UNQQString}}
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} MySQL says: {{ph_UNQMyErr}} A063 %%% - EXISTS criterion requires two arguments. A064 %%% - EXISTS criterion requires a database to be open. A065 %%% - Error on query:
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} {{ph_EXSQString}}
{{PHORM_LINEBRK}} MySQL says: {{ph_EXSMyErr}} A066 %%% - FILEEXT criterion requires at least one argument. A067 %%% - FILESIZ criterion requires one argument. A068 %%% - DATECMP criterion requires at least one argument. A069 %%% - FLDLEN criterion requires three arguments. A070 %%% - Invalid criterion: {{ph_BadCrit}} A071 %%% - Incomplete rule (RULE {{ph_RuleNum}}): missing criterion. A072 %%% - Incomplete rule (RULE {{ph_RuleNum}}): missing form field name. A073 %%% - Incomplete rule (RULE {{ph_RuleNum}}): missing error message. A100 %%% - You cannot use $PHORM_ACK and $PHORM_RDIRECT together. You must ack *or* re-direct. A110 %%% - Mail function failed on autoresponder A120 %%% - You may not have more than {{ph_tmax}} email templates in $PHORM_TMPL. A121 %%% - Mail function failed on user email for template {{lPHORM_TMPL}}. A130 %%% - Unable to execute post-processing file {{ph_tpd}}/{{PHORM_POSTINC}}. A140 %%% - Mail function failed on sending alerts. A150 %%% - This file upload module requires at least Phorm version {{ph_PHMMinVers}}. A151 %%% - To upload files, your FORM tag must have the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" attribute. A152 %%% - Unable to save file {{ph_upd}}/{{ph_FileName}} on your system. A153 %%% - Your file upload module is outdated. Contact Phorm Support for the new version. A160 %%% - This file attachment module requires at least Phorm version {{ph_PHMMinVers}}. A161 %%% - Unable to open autoresponder attachment file {{ph_attachfile}}. A162 %%% - Unable to open email attachment file {{ph_attachfile}}. A163 %%% - Your file attachment module is outdated. Contact Phorm Support for the new version. A170 %%% - The {{ph_PluginName}} plugin requires at least Phorm v{{ph_ReqPhormVers}}. A171 %%% - HTMLMail unable to open autoresponder attachment file {{ph_atd}}/{{PHORM_RESATCH}}. A172 %%% - HTMLMail unable to open file attachment module. Responder attachment not sent. A173 %%% - HTMLMail Unable to open mail template file {{lPHORM_TMPL}}. A174 %%% - HTMLMail Unable to open file attachment module. User email attachment{{ph_s}} not sent.